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Providing Hope and Tools for Healing

News outlets that shared about the release of my books:

Before God guided me to Stephanie, I was incapacitated with insecurities. Stephanieā€™s calming demeanor and clever analogies caused my light bulb to illuminate! Now I am a confident woman, I have dedicated my life to helping others, I moved to my dream location, I fell in love with and married a loving and respectful man, and (not that money matters) but I make more now then I have ever made in my life! I am the bread winner in our home. I needed Stephanie to guide me to my own pull chain, she encouraged me to pull it, and once I did, my light bulb came on! My light captivated me to transform into my best and most blessed me!! Thanks, Steph, for encouraging and believing in me!
Danielle Renee
Helpful Resources in Overcoming Stress and Trauma
I have compiled a list of my favorite books, videos, and articles on healing from trauma and coping with life's daily stressors. Our lives are filled with so much negativity and sometimes life can seem to be too much to bear. Resources like these provide hope that tomorrow will be better than today.
I regularly update this page as I come across helpful resources.
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