Post-traumatic Growth Is Possible

You can emerge from your trauma stronger than you were before. 


Recommended Resources

Click the icon above to sign up to access my list of my favorite books, videos, and articles on healing from trauma and coping with life's daily stressors.

Products and Services

Click the icon above to learn more about my book, coaching programs, and how to schedule me for a speaking engagement.


Stay updated on the latest news, coping strategies, mental health, and healthy living tips. Click the icon above to visit my blog.

Live Your Life With Joy

Learn how from my book, Transformation After Trauma: Embracing Post-Traumatic Growth. Click the button below to sign up to begin reading the Introduction and Chapter 1 for free!

The Fires From Your Past Did Not Destroy You

Serotinous cones, like those in Giant Sequoias, are cones that are covered with a resin. In order for the resin to be melted and the cone to open and release the seeds, it needs to be heated, often by a forest fire. As the fire moves through the forest, the Giant Sequoias get heated and the resin is effectively removed, allowing the seeds to be released and scattered by the wind.

Much like serotinous cones, many of us also go through huge challenges and grave trauma in our life in order to help us grow into stronger, better persons. However, facing big problems, issues, and challenges brings into our lives a level of difficulty and hardship that often seems insurmountable for most of us. This is why it is important to know that there is someone out there ready to guide you through your toughest times and lead you to a better, brighter, more productive tomorrow.

You Can Reclaim Your Life After Trauma

Click the button below to learn how in one of my coaching programs.

For Whom I Can Be Helpful

Through Serotinous Life, I work with individuals who have big goals but they feel that their past traumas are holding them back from achieving those goals. They have reached a breaking point where they've said, “Enough is enough! I'm tired of letting an unchangeable past dictate my future!”

Don’t wait another day to break the chains from yesterday. Contact me today for a FREE discovery call!

Book an Appointment

Real Success Stories

Healing Together

"Stephanie is an incredibly talented teacher, adventurer, and person. Despite facing extreme obstacles, she is absolutely bursting with life and never backs down from pursuing her dreams. She is a good listener and is very willing to adapt to the needs of her clients. She also possesses a stubbornness and determination to never let her clients give up or take shortcuts. When I first met Stephanie, I was recently married and struggling to maintain a balance between life as a newlywed, part time work at a golf course, and being a full-time college student. Stephanie helped me through that time and encouraged me to continue pursuing my goal of being an occupational therapist. She reminded me of the value that I have as a person and the unique skills and abilities that I possess. By working with her I became more confident and learned to find a balance between all the activities I was trying to juggle. I am very grateful for Stephanie and the help she gave me during that difficult point in my life."

Bethany Fishman

"Before God guided me to Stephanie, I was incapacitated with insecurities. Stephanieā€™s calming demeanor and clever analogies caused my light bulb to illuminate! Now I am a confident woman, I have dedicated my life to helping others, I moved to my dream location, I fell in love with and married a loving and respectful man, and (not that money matters) but I make more now then I have ever made in my life! I am the bread winner in our home. I needed Stephanie to guide me to my own pull chain, she encouraged me to pull it, and once I did, my light bulb came on! My light captivated me to transform into my best and most blessed me!! Thanks, Steph, for encouraging and believing in me!"

Danielle Renee

"Stephanie is the nicest, most insightful person I have ever met. She genuinely cares about the success of the people she works with. She is thoughtful and very fun to work with."

Jason Mashtare

"The opportunity to work with Dr. Hutchins is not to be missed! As a former student I can attest to her ability to educate and motivate. As a personal coach, Dr. Hutchins is well positioned to develop, support and be a partner in visioning, setting and reaching the goals of her clients!"

Jill McLellan Phelps

Get Started Today!

Helpful Resources in Overcoming Stress and Trauma

I have compiled a list of my favorite books, videos, and articles on healing from trauma and coping with life's daily stressors. Our lives are filled with so much negativity and sometimes life can seem to be too much to bear. Resources like these provide hope that tomorrow will be better than today.

I regularly update this page as I come across helpful resources.

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